This Is A Movement (TIAM) is an initiative seeking to create a more equitable music industry with a specific focus on gender justice and Jazz/Black American/Creative Music. The project was conceived in 2021 by a set of musicians, scholars and leaders who often crossed paths and noticed a fragmentation in the field. The #MeToo movement had activated conversations and actions around gender justice, but the efforts were more disparate – artists were organizing, gathering, and taking action on the bandstand, educators were creating curriculum and writings within the academic space, and producers and presenters were raising standards and focusing on diversity. TIAM was launched with the hope that it could be a centralized place for this community to discuss different perspectives, share resources, and advance conversations around equitable representation. The name – This Is A Movement – was chosen to signal that a larger movement is happening in the field and to hold the organizers accountable to the mentality and long-term commitment that movement-building requires.