TIAM 22 Survery What panelists/speakers would you like to hear next year? Is there any topic you would like to see covered in next year's panels? What was the most impactful conversation you heard/had in this convening? Would you like to be part of a working group to continue the work initiated in this covening? Yes No Maybe in the Future What can you contribute to the movement (space / funds / research / time etc) Space Funds Research Time Other What is the biggest issue you think the jazz / music industry faces in regard to gender? How have you been impacted by gender inequality or injustice as a music professional? What capacity do you have to enact change? (personal actions / institutional influence / creative output etc) Personal Actions Institutional Influence Creative Output How would you like to contribute going forward? What is currently the biggest obstacle to you enacting change? What would help you do more? What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from this event? What is the most glaring incident of gender-based discrimination you have witnessed in your professional life? How did it make you feel? Please feel free to be as detailed as you are comfortable. Name 5 considerations wrt to personal wellbeing that would improve overall working life in this space? (including but not limited to caretaking, mental health) Thank you!